Utforska ett urval av artiklar och vetenskapliga studier som beskriver Arevos teknologi.
Plantor och odling av plantor
- Organic nitrogen improves the water use of tropical tree seedlings cultivated for restoration plantings, Plants People Planet. 2023;5, 437–448
- Growth of conifer seedlings on organic and inorganic nitrogen sources, Tree Physiology 21, 2001, 1319–1326
- Low Nitrogen Losses with a New Source of Nitrogen for Cultivation of Conifer Seedlings, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 36, No. 22, 2002
- Organic nitrogen uptake of Scots pine seedlings is independent of current carbohydrate supply, Tree Physiology 33, 2013, 590–600
- Plant nitrogen status and co-occurrence of organic and inorganic nitrogen sources influence root uptake by Scots pine seedlings, Tree Physiology 00, 2014, 1–9
- The carbon bonus of organic nitrogen enhances nitrogen use efficiency of plants, Plant, Cell and Environment (2017) 40, 25–35
- Amino acid uptake: a widespread ability among boreal forest plants, Ecology Letters, (2001) 4: 434-438
- Boreal forest plants take up organic nitrogen, Nature, Vol. 392, 30 April 1998, 914-916
- Patterns of Plant Biomass Partitioning Depend on Nitrogen Source, PLoS ONE, April 2011, Vol, 6, Issue 4
- Plant acquisition of organic nitrogen in boreal forests, Physiologica Plantarum 111, 2001, 419–426
- The unexpected versatility of plants: organic nitrogen use and availability in terrestrial ecosystems, Oecologia, 2001, 128, 305–316
- Uptake of organic nitrogen by plants, New Phytologist, 2009