
Exceptional Growth Continues After Five Years

Timo Leirimaa has been evaluating the impact of arGrow precision nutrient in Orimattila for five years. The saplings treated with this nutrient continue to show impressive growth, proving that an additional investment during planting pays off quickly.

"When the last article about the precision nutrition was published, my phone started ringing immediately with people asking, 'So, where can I get this stuff?'"

Timo Leirimaa-2

Timo Leirimaa, Former Director of Metsänhoitoyhdistys Uusimaa, and a Five-Year-Old Spruce Sapling

Since our last conversation with Timo Leirimaa, who has over 40 years of experience in forestry, he has been busy answering questions from curious inquirers.

The subject of our discussion is arGrow, which Leirimaa has been evaluating for its effectiveness in Orimattila over the past five years.

Growth Powered by Nature’s Own Solar Panels

Now, in its fifth season, growth remains astonishingly robust, according to Leirimaa. The annual growth of spruce saplings treated with arGrow at planting averaged 38.6 cm. In comparison, the untreated control group had an average annual growth of 21.1 cm. These are exceptional results that indicate effect from the product, but also a very well performed planting and a suitable location. While the nutrient itself is no longer active, its use during planting continues to "compound" in the form of stronger root systems.

"After the first growing season, the root system is stronger. The saplings treated with precision nutrition have continued to grow stronger year after year compared to the control saplings," Leirimaa explains. He predicts that the control group will continue to lag behind in growth.

“At that point, sunlight starts playing an even bigger role. The more the tree has what we call nature’s solar panels—its green parts—the better it can produce the compounds it needs for photosynthesis and growth.”

A Small Investment for Big Gains

Leirimaa says he is now recognized in Finland as something of an arGrow expert, and many have approached him to discuss the topic. One of the most frequently asked questions concerns the financial investment required for using arGrow.

Leirimaa estimates that if you spend €1,000 per hectare on reforestation, the cost of using ArGrow would be less than €150 per hectare. He believes this investment will pay for itself in the cost savings from the first clearing phase alone.

Root development with Arevo arGrow

In the photo, the saplings on the right, grown for one summer, were treated with precision nutrients during planting. The control saplings are on the left.

"Many forest owners invest only the bare minimum in reforestation, but this results in long-term losses. If you want to be among the winners, it’s worth investing a bit more upfront to achieve better results and save on costs later."

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