Precision nutrition for horticulture
Fertilizers are essential to ensure growth in horticulture, but come with numerous negative side effects, such as nutrient waste and damage to soil and microbes. Besides the obvious and worrying environmental issues, it's a very inefficient and wasteful way of applying nutrition. Arevo has discovered a way to combine strong growth, robust plants and healthy soil with minimal nitrogen waste to ensure more efficient effects of its precision nutrition.
Arevo's technology stimulates root growth from seed to harvest and encourages interaction between plants and beneficial microbes. Our nutrition for horticulture is built upon precision. You only need to use a small amount of nutrients to stimulate a plant’s' own natural processes and get benefits that last the entire growing season. Plus environmental effects that last even longer. All Arevo products are designed to be easy to introduce at different stages of cultivation.
Want to learn more?
Get in touch to find out more about what Arevo can do for you and for your plants.
ContactPlant growth on natures terms
Robust plants
Arevo's products improve root growth and promote interaction with beneficial microbes, which increase a plant’s ability to withstand stress.
Healthy growth
Arevo's products stimulate a plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients from the soil, which leads to better growth.
Efficiency & environment
The nitrogen in Arevo's products doesn't leach into the surrounding soil. This means less product can be used, which benefits both the soil and the environment. The content is well-controlled and ensures consistency and safety.

The Arevo system

Arevo makes it possible to coat seeds with nitrogen. The arginine nitrogen does not interfere with germination. It helps establishment and stimulates the interaction between plants and beneficial microbes.

When planting
Arevo's products are easy to use. The granulated products can be placed directly by the seed or seedling at planting to stimulate root growth and microbial interaction. The technology enables controlled release of nutrients without the need for any plastic coating.

Liquid application
You can apply Arevo's liquid nutrition during nutrient irrigation or as a foliar spray, throughout the season. Arginine-based formulations can be customized for specific crops and cropping systems.
Organic nitrogen based on amino acids
Arevo's technology is based on world-leading and ground-breaking research into the way plants absorb nutrients. The research behind Arevo's products is as revolutionary as it is simple. It focuses on how plants use the amino acid arginine as a natural source of nitrogen – the nutrient most important to plants. Using only small amounts, and without actually changing anything in the soil, Arevo helps plants to flourish.
- Revolutionary nutrient use efficiency
- No nitrogen waste
- Rapid root growth
- Robust plants