
Welcome Liliana - new agronomist at Arevo

Introducing the latest addition to the Arevo team, our new agronomist Liliana Daza. As an agronomist Liliana will oversee our field trials, analyze growth data and help further optimize our solutions for sustainable cultivation.

Who is Liliana?
- I moved from Colombia to Sweden a few years back, driven by my passion for agriculture. This interest led me to a Bachelor's degree in Agronomy and a Master's degree in Soil Science. My professional journey has been dedicated to the application of sustainable agricultural practices, leveraging scientific and technical knowledge. In recent years, I've been involved in projects designed to boost crop production while promoting soil health and optimizing nutrient management.

What sparked your interest in Arevo?
- Arevo’s approach of managing nitrogen fertilization effectively is what drew me to the company. I was particularly excited about the opportunity to take part in a team at the forefront of reducing nitrogen losses from agroecosystems. The company’s focus on sustainability aligns with my personal and professional goals. I saw a chance to meaningfully contribute to food security in an efficient and environmentally friendly manner. 

What are you looking forward to most in your new position?
- In my new role, I’m keen to collaborate with a multidisciplinary team to position Arevo’s products as a solution to improve fertilization practices. I’m particularly excited about the potential to apply data-driven approaches to optimize crop production. This position allows me to stay at the cutting edge of agronomy research while making a tangible impact on the industry.
Any surprises so far?
- One of the most surprising things I have learned since joining Arevo is the incredible and long-lasting impact of minimum doses of Arevo’s products on forestry. This potential is something that is worth exploring in agriculture. 

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