
Welcome Sarah - new Greenhouse grower at Arevo

Introducing our new Greenhouse grower Sarah Lundgren. Sarah will work on product testing in a greenhouse environment, analyze growth data and help further optimize our solutions for sustainable cultivation.

Who is Sarah?

Growing up in Northern Sweden, I spent a lot of time outdoors and it fostered my interest in nature, which eventually led me to a degree in biology. Before joining the Arevo team I worked with cultivating plants in a lab. At Arevo I get to grow plants in a greenhouse instead, hands deep in soil every day. I absolutely love it. My responsibility involves testing our products on a wide variety of plant species.

What attracted you to Arevo?

I was looking to transfer to a position where I could continue to grow plants but also develop my own skillset. Arevo’s green profile resonated me and the idea of being part of a scale-up company in the process of establishing on the global market was also a big motivation.

What are you most excited about at Arevo?

To be involved in changing the way we use fertilizers on a larger scale and improving the food industry. I also want to develop my skills in project management and as a greenhouse grower.

What is your favorite plant to grow?

To me, having good quality produce is important and I enjoy growing edible plants more than anything else. Recently, I have started growing mushrooms at home which is a lot of fun, and of course also delicious!

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